Friday, April 28, 2006
i miss those times, i really do ):
those times when we'd plan to choreograph steps, and ending up slacking the hours away and achieving only 24 seconds of choreography, which we thought was okay at that point of time as the performance date was still quite far away.
those times at hj's house. we literally used her name so that we could use the room for free. =/ but she was willing to anyway (: and those times when she'd do "read between my fingers" and she did it so often we all got used to it. and those times when little children wld come in and play with all the stuff in that room. and we'd stop practicing and choreographing and start playing with them. plus, our black feets.
those times when we were oh-so-fickle, changing songs repeatedly. we just NEVER were satisfied with what we had, no? but i guess we wanted to best. i guess me and nana were too perfectionistic. maybe it was good, but no in a way. we possibly got nicer songs, yes, and it was nice. but we wasted alot of time. choreographing, and re-choreographing cos somehow we thought some steps just didn't fit in with the new song.
those times when we'd have different opinions and all those eye rolling activity. it surely was good exercise, no? i know i was freaking stubborn and stuff. i know i always wanted it my way. and somehow people wld always give in. any-oh-how, i guess this taught me alot, in a way.
those times when we were rushing the steps because we were running out of time and it was nearing our eoys. we even sacrificed our studying time for dance, for this performance. maybe it was bad of us. but i guess we wanted to do something for our pri. school teachers in return. we were actually quite attached to them.
those times when we'd meet up everyday at lianghui's hse and just practice till we sweated like some shit craphead madwomen. and standing on different platforms, forever hoping we wont fall off them. it was scary, but it was fun.
those times when i'd always be treated as the baby among all four of us. i always sa jiao-ed, i was always the one needing others to give in to ): i guess i was bad. but it was fun, and i think they enjoyed being my "elders" well, i WAS the youngest ANYWAY. and lianghui was the mommy -.-
those times when we'd go hunting for the costume. the way stupidlianghui thuoght that we were wearing the halter outside. like bloodyhell you stupid dumbass! but it was really funny. and it was nice having ur stomach ache in this kind of matters (:
these memories seem so...far away, so...ancient to my memory. yet, when we think of everything we've been through, all the details, it seems so near... yet so far. i want the whole experience back, but i know its not possible, its too much to ask for.
Now, just listening to explosive makes me feel so worked up, so...full of emotions, and i know im still hanging on to the past. how i wish there were a time machine. ): im feeling really nostalgic now, and i really want to go through this whole teacher's day performance experience again. i dont mind searching for songs like a madwoman, whatsoever.
i want those days back ):
1:51 PM
Saturday, April 22, 2006
OHMYMAMA. njc's hiphop dancers are damn good! OHGOSH. now i feel like dancing (: i think the guys were better than the girls, for hiphop. haha the guys dancing ballet looked gay =/ CHINESE DANCE WAS GOOD TOO.
OH AND OH MY GOD. IT LIKE. OH.MY.GOD. when it was the finale and they were giving flowers to choreographers etc, as usual, SUDDENLY they announced the choreographer for the CHINESE DANCE troupe in NJC and OHMYMAMA IT WAS SULAOSHI! they said "benedict soh" and then for a moment i stoned. then i looked onto the stage. and SHIT. that big figure! OHMYGOD. ITS SULAOSHI and me nana and hui SCREAMED then the people below us were like O.o cos we were kinda quiet at first. then suddenly BENEDICT SOH THEN. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! hahahaha okay and im still KINDA recovering from the shock (:
our seniors were great (: jacqueline, peixuan and another senior but i dunno her name! oops >< but nevermind! they were all great ((:
i think hiphop was the best. like the effect created was like. WOW. then its like. after each hiphop dance it'll be like indian/ malay next -.- and its like the whole jumpy atmosphere is gone -.- damn gay. HAHA!
okay i dun feel like elaborating today! shall do it tomorrow IF I FEEL LIKE IT (:
3:07 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
no offence to any christians but i seriously have to say this.
it's okay if you're a christian, there's nothing wrong with being a christian. but, i mean there's no need to overdo it. like, blog everyday about God, there's nothing wrong with thanking God for what He has done for you etc., but just. don't overdo it. having faith is good and i have nothing agains christians but maybe relying too much on God isn't too good. maybe it's still better to not be so dependent. nevermind.
anyway sunlao was pmsing today. AGAIN. like wth lah. does she have a mathematical problem or something? we left the classroom at like 1130 can. and we came back at 1155. you gave us TWENTY minutes. bloody hell. we were only FIVE minutes late, was there a need to EXAGGERATE and extend it to be TEN? so much for being a good role model.
LALALALA okay i think im kinda done ranting!
12:45 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
hmm.. i was thinking about science just now. and then i just suddenly thought about the science centre forensic trip thingy. and it made me wonder...
if we are from the nygh sec two cohort, why isit that other classes who dun get the relief teachers get the privilege to go for the forensic thing. like, i find it totally unfair that when we wanna have more exposure and room for exploitation, they give us this kind of treatment. 210 may not be the most well-liked class in the sec two level but whatever it is, i still think we deserve the same treatment the other classes have. so what, now we're under privileged.
and i know that our class is not exactly very academicly very strong and we DO have an attitude problem, but there's this very positive side of us. we're usually very cheerful. and if u realised, if we feel comfortable with u, we wont be so not responsive in front of heng. plus, she's a bad example because she tells other classes the same thing she tells us. which is, "my other classes are so much more responsive i think u shld sit in for one of our classes and take a look." like -.- tricia said that a 2/2 person told her that heng said that to her too.
its like. we students have our sources too. there's no need to lie like that as if we dun have friends in other classes. its just. horrendously horrible of u to make such a lie. maybe what u meant was that other classes were in a better state than us. but u as a teacher. shld not lie. yeah. so in this case, if teachers can lie, why isit that we have this thing that restricts us from lying. isn't it just fair? just like how teachers can be late for assembly, and they dont get any punishment. meanwhile, if we're just late by like one minute, we get chided. how nice.
ohwell, what are we supposed to do?
2:19 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
bloody hell. im damn pissed.
im PUT OFF by ur bloody attitude. first things first, every year, the sec ones have to clean the cang ku because it has become a tradition for all the sec ones to do so already. there wasn't a need to complain about cleaning it up because it was actually quite redundant. PLUS, stop complaining about costumes. AT LEAST u have something to wear. and i thought last year's cleaning up was quite fun. if u dont know how to think on the positive side, thats ur own problem. you dont go around blaming others for something which you ARE obliged to do since u joined the chinese dance society.
what is wrong with re-dancing past syf dances? WHATS WRONG WITH BRINGING THE ESSENCE BACK. these dances hold a very deep and meaningful meaning. we've all won GOLD for these syf dances and its something the chinese dance society is proud of. if you fail to see this, then im telling this to you, HERE AND NOW. if you think its lacking originality, think again. if u prefer to dance more dances and have a lower quality control, PLEASE GO AND JOIN ANOTHER DANCE SOCIETY. this is the way we, chinese dancers work. and if you are unhappy with the way we work, please quite and join another cca.
stop freaking complaining about not getting enough attention. if you didn't realise, you all have had lots of attention from laoshi already. at least she bothers asking the seniors to like teach u all barre. WE HAD TO FREAKING LEARN ON OUR OWN AND JUST FOLLOW THE SENIORS WHEN THEY WERE DANCING BARRE. we din even have the CHANCE to learn it properly. we just picked up the pieces are we walked along. IF U WANT ATTENTION, WORK FOR IT. NOT COMPLAIN. its not as if complaining wld give u any more attention. BLOODY WORK FOR IT. you dont stand there at STARE like a dope. MOVE UR BODY.
besides, we got our motivation from daidao. because daidao was so nice and like the standard was so high, and the seniors were all so pro, we felt damn zibei. and started working hard. i think that shld be the attitude instead of thinking you are oh-so-pro the whole day long. you should be adopting that i-want-to-keep-improving kind of attitude. and its like already april. i think you all should work hard. starting from now. that is, if u wanna dance syf next year.
by the way, can u check urself before u complain about other people's dance quality? don't criticise singapore's ballet as if it's THAT bad. have u even seen the best dancer dance before? whats wrong with learning from singaporean ballet schools ballet? is there a need to go all the way to china to learn? whatever.
all in all just watch ur bloody attitude. it sucks. and it puts us off.
2:03 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
okay fine i know my blog is dying ): hahahaha well, i have decided to blog today! like FINALLY! cos im feeling a tad bit hyper x) HAHAH CAN ASK BIANCA XD i'm always conversing with her about sick stuffs. because she's sick too (:
anddd there's seriously something wrong with amina today! its like =/ she has been doing her home econs essay since AFTERNOON and she hasnt finished it -.- and she's still doing it now. like OMG since when was she so guai =/ haha i don't feel like doing today x) so im not doing. I SHALL DO TOMORROW. BECAUSE I AM A GOOD GIRL XD
there's guitar tomorrow! and im actually looking forward to it (: u know why! because he gave me a nice song to play last week x))) and i've been practicing it ALMOST everyday. hohoho x) okay im making myself sound like i hate playing guitar. noooo i love it ((:
x) i am random and i love being random! if u cannot stand my randomness then TOO BAD FOR YOU XD my ballet exam is on the 1st june ): and me and alethea are the last two to go in! RAWR im abit scared. abit only because its not exactly very close YET. hahahahha! anyway i love pointe (: i think pointe is fun cos it doesnt hurt for me =/ and then my other ballet friends will be like OUCH SO PAIN and i'll just keep quiet because mine isnt pain but i dun wanna say (:
i like alethea's point ): she has natural point lah. NOT FAIR ): but i think joanna's one is DAMN SCARY. =/ its like POOF! anyway i think the new sub-els are lousy. sorry lah but they really are ): its like. they dun put in effort lah. they dun even STAND properly. they got back their grade 6 results like two weeks ago? i wonder how much they got =/ okay nevermind. im getting quite used to it actually. haha
actually, I CANT WAIT TO DO ELEMENTARY! i hope the dance will be nicer (: i think this year's classical dance is damn errr =/ NEVERMIND.
1:26 PM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
i was thinking about what mr. yam said to us today. and about our attitude to teachers today. it's honestly seriously ATROCIOUS. i mean, you just look at how we treat him. and the worst thing is, we just voiced out our opinions about the teachers yesterday. and today, look what's happened. if this is how we behave, we totally have no right to criticise the teachers. cos in actual fact, we dont even have respect for them, how do u suppose they respect us. its this vice versa thing, its not one-sided. both parties have to put in effort. i think the teacher's have already tolerated us very well. and heng is showing us her attitude already. i feel really sorry for 210. its not as if we dont have a bad reputation already. and instead if trying to make that impression of us change, we've just worsened it.
we're gonna find sunlao tomorrow. and most probably go find mr. yam too. and apologise to him on behalf of the whole class. i dont think anyone else in the class will want to do this dirty job. most probably we'll get all the scolding and criticism AGAIN. but what to do, when the rest of the class is unwilling to be the scapegoats. i guess we just have to try to explain ourselves ):
thinking abuot the LT incident, i feel damn remorseful. i dunno how people can bring themselves to laugh when he was apparently SHOUTING at us already. its just that. we should know our limits and stuff. we totally went overboard today. its not even cool. i seriously just dunno what they were thinking.
maybe i think too much, but i KNOW IT MYSELF that we were in the wrong this time. and i serious feel like crying ): i dont know how we can help the class improve. i think i;ve shouted at them enough times already. and its never nice to shout at others. BUT what else can we do?
12:24 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
i just went to the dentist today. rah! )): damn pain! i have to wear the rubberbands AGAIN )): damn sad! then my stupid brother went to open a packet of chocolate biscuits right in front of me. and i cldnt stand the temptation so i went to take ONE. and i cldnt bite -.- wth -.- i shall stop being a glob ): nana, caca they all were like warning me. they said that i shld stop being so globbish cos even if my metabolism rate is damndamndamn high (and i really mean damn high) now, it's gonna go down next time and i'll grow FAT )): dammit lah. and they told me that right after we went to bakerzin -.- DOT LAH. I LOVE FOOD K ((: nevermind! i shall talk about this later since my metabolism rate is still high and i shall continue keeping it high (: hohoho!
anyway, on a brighter note, I THINK MY BRACES ARE FUNKYYYY! red and black is funky (((((: and SOME people are jealous. hohoho (: u want funky teeth like mine then go and put braces lah dopes! ((: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and i had to resort to talking to other people i dun usually talk to ): but nevermind. i survived (: cos i am friendly. HOHOHO! anyway there's this huge flying ant on my speaker and its like... crawling all over and moving its wing but not flying off. and i figured that this is the best time to ask my psycho gf caca to come over and catch it for me. (: well she's damn gross -.- hahahaha. but she can be my heroine for the day (:
i was watching videos when GAY AMINA came and asked, have u finished blogging? -.- dot her lah. so now im continuing to blog. HURHUR. and she just said this :
jasmine(: says:
just now i accidentally typed GAYB as BAYB =/
jasmine(: says:
then i was like BAYB?
jasmine(: says:
like baby lah
jasmine(: says:
damn gross
aw man. poor psycho gf must feel hurt )): NEVERMIND. i know you have a heart made of steel, right! (((: and now jas is being gay -.- she said this when i told her that i'd be posting about that bayb thing:
jasmine(: says:
jasmine(: says:
jasmine(: says:
jasmine(: says:
i will be featured
jasmine(: says:
jasmine(: says:
quick hoh
jasmine(: says:
i mean like, HOW GAY CAN SHE GET. -.- hahaha! ohman. why am i talking about her here.
anyway i got a new guitar like quite long ago -.- and i think it rocks. hohoho (((: now i practice more often can -.- OOPS! nevermind ((: and the ant is still crawling all over the place, doing dunno-what. maybe i shld ask it. nah i shant be as weird as aminagoh =/ hahahaha
I CANT WAIT FOR NEXT SUNDAY WHEN I CAN GO AND MEGA BUY MY CDS AGAIN XD shit im like going every other week =/ nevermind! MUSIC IS MY LIFE! actually, not really. i think dance is my life more than music is. HAHAHAHA but without music, we cant dance! soooo ((:
okay im talking crap. maybe i shld just stop blogging.
oh no wait. i wanna talk about yesterday. hahaha cos ytd was april fool's EVE, we decided to play a prank on stupid sunlao (OMG ALLITERATION. FITS HER ANYWAY). so we faced the notice board at the back and cherie said, "xia yao!" and we'd all xia yao and greet her mrs. heng ((: hahahahhaha. then after that we'd sit down facing the BACK. and then she went, " wei shen me? yao xia ke le shi ma?" or something like that lah! and then we all went "SHIIIII! " hahahah! and then we greeted her GOODBYE once again doing that xia yao thingy (: but aiya. she's such aloser. dunno how to take jokes. CRAP HER.
anyway nevermind! i think im stopping here. ((: really. TOODLES HERE (:
1:37 PM